

R script for cluster representation

15/11/2013 09:11

An R script for representing cluster frequencies from hapflk output.

This script requires the following R packages installed:



first chmod +x hapflk-clusterplot.R

./hapflk-clusterplot.R output_file.bz2


Tutorial on the LCT gene

06/02/2014 14:38

This archive contains hapmap3 based input files needed to run hapflk in a small (4Mb) region of the human genome harbouring the LCT gene.

The files contain dense genotyping data on 370 individuals from 4 populations (CEU,CHB,TSI) and 497 SNPs.


Calculate hapflk p-values

02/12/2015 09:53

This python script estimates the hapflk chi-squared density and corresponding p-values.
The script requires the numpy, scipy and statsmodels python packages.

The input file must be a .hapflk result file, possibly containing all values from a genome-wide scan. The script creates a new file (suffix .hapflk_sc) which is the original file plus 2 new colums: the rescaled statistic and the corresponding p-values.


Annotation of local variants with caviar

02/10/2017 09:06

This R script allows to create input files to extract "causal" variants from an FLK eigen analysis as in Rochus et al. (2017), using the Caviar software


Utilies for plotting local trees in genome regions

26/09/2019 09:24

The two scripts attached allow to build and plot local population trees. The principle is

  1. To recompute Reynolds distances between population in a region. This is done using the python (2.7) script. Requires numpy python package.