Utilies for plotting local trees in genome regions

Documentation utilisateur

The two scripts attached allow to build and plot local population trees. The principle is

  1. To recompute Reynolds distances between population in a region. This is done using the local_reynolds.py python (2.7) script. Requires numpy python package.
  2. To reestimate branch length of the Whole genome tree from local Reynolds distances. This is done using the local_tree.R script. Requires ape and phangorn R packages.

See the Wiki for more details on using these scripts.


local_reynolds.py Magnifier - Python (2.7) script to compute local reynolds distances (5,673 ko) Bertrand Servin, 10/02/2014 17:51

local_trees.R - R Script to plot local population trees (4,711 ko) Bertrand Servin, 26/09/2019 09:24