Local Score

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This section contains R scripts allowing computing the local score, and the associated significance regions, from the p-values of a single-marker test. For the computation of significance thresholds, it is assumed that the local score has a Gumble distribution under the null hypothesis, which holds asymptotically for long score sequences. The parameters of the Gumbel are obtained by Monte Carlo simulations, which account for the observed correlation between scores.

The input p-value file corresponds here to the FLK analysis of two quail lines described in Fariello et al (2017), for chromosomes 4 to 28 (which can be downloaded from the Files tab), but this file can be replaced by any other file with appropriate format.


scorelocalfunctions.R - Functions that are needed for computing the local score approach and its significance thresholds from p-values (7,341 ko) Maria Ines Fariello Rico, 24/12/2016 22:46

localscore.R - Script computing the local score and significance thresholds for each chromosome, from a file providing single-marker p-values along the genome. (3,735 ko) Simon Boitard, 04/01/2017 16:03