
This project provides R scripts implementing the local score approach, which aims at detecting significant regions in a genome sequence by the cumulation of single marker p-values. These scripts were developed by Fariello et al (2017) for the detection of genomic regions under adaptive selection using a between population differentiation (Fst like) approach, but they can be applied to any other type of study for which single-marker p-values along the genome are available.

See the "Docs" tab for more details and downloading the scripts.

Examples of input p-value files can be found in the "Files" tab. They were obtained by the analysis of two quail lines with the FLK test, as described in Fariello et al (2017).

Citation : Fariello MI, Boitard S, Mercier S, et al. Accounting for linkage disequilibrium in genome scans for selection without individual genotypes: The local score approach. Mol Ecol. 2017;00:1–15. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.14141

Dernières annonces

Improving GWAS resolution using local score.
We used the Local Score approach to improve the resolution of GWAS and detect minor QTL.
Ajouté par Maria Ines Fariello Rico il y a presque 6 ans

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