- Description des types structurés utilisés pour relayer les solutions entre modules QTLMap
- Type structuré "Solutions de l'estimation des paramètres d'une analyse"
- Type structuré pour l'information de test des variables corrélées lors d'une analyse
- Type structuré pour les tests de nuisances des effets fixés et covariables sur les effets QTL
- Type structuré "Valeur des LRTs et Positions du maximum de vraissemblance"
- Type structuré pour "transporter" l'information sur le calcul des intervalles de confiance
Description des types structurés utilisés pour relayer les solutions entre modules QTLMap¶
Type structuré "Solutions de l'estimation des paramètres d'une analyse"¶
!!// nqtl : hypothesis to test
!!// lrtmax : maximum reached
!!// dxmax : position where are the maximum
!!// nxmax : position in the data structure where the maximum are reached
!!// chrmax : chromosome where the maximum are reached
!!// lrt1 : LRT curve under Hypothesis One (Only this hypothesis case)
!!// pater_eff : paternal effect curve under Hypothesis One
!!// mater_eff : maternal effect curve under Hypothesis One
!!// xlrp : LRT sires surve under Hypothesis One
!!// xlrm : LRT dams surve under Hypothesis One
!!// lrt0_2 : LRT curve under Hypothesis Two against Zero (Only this hypothesis case)
!!// lrt1_2 : LRT curve under Hypothesis Two against One (Only this hypothesis case)
!!// pater_eff2 : paternal effect curve under Hypothesis Two
!!// mater_eff2 : maternal effect curve under Hypothesis Two
!!// xlrp2 : LRT sires surve under Hypothesis Two against One
!!// xlrm2 : LRT dams surve under Hypothesis Two against One
!// number of Qtls => size of nxmax,chrmax
integer :: nqtl = -1
!// The hypothesis (usually equivalent to nqtl)
integer :: hypothesis = -1
!// LRT Maximum reached
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:),pointer :: lrtmax => NULL()
!// Centimorgan positions of Qtls
!// real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:),pointer :: dxmax => NULL()
!// Position of Qtl in data structure
integer ,dimension(:),pointer :: nxmax => NULL()
!// Chromosome where the position is localised
integer ,dimension(:),pointer :: chrmax => NULL()
!//--------------------- QTL = 1 -----------------------------------
!// chr,LRT curves if nqtl = 1
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:),pointer :: lrt1 => NULL()
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: pater_eff => NULL()
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: mater_eff => NULL()
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: xlrp => NULL()
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: xlrm => NULL()
!//--------------------- QTL = 2 ---------------------------------
!// chr,LRT curves if nqtl = 2
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: lrt0_2 => NULL()
!// chr,LRT curves if nqtl = 2
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: lrt1_2 => NULL()
!// chr1,chr2,np,npo1,npo2,2 (effet 1, effet2)
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:),pointer :: pater_eff2 => NULL()
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:),pointer :: mater_eff2 => NULL()
!// chr1,chr2,,np,npo1,npo2
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:,:,:),pointer :: xlrp2 => NULL()
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:,:,:,:),pointer :: xlrm2 => NULL()
type (CONFIDENCE_INTERVALS_SOLUTION) , dimension(:) , pointer :: list_ci => NULL()
procedure, public :: newOne => new_lrt_solution
procedure, public :: newTwo => new_lrt_solution2
generic ,public :: new => newOne,newTwo
procedure, public :: release => release_lrt_solution
Type structuré pour l'information de test des variables corrélées lors d'une analyse¶
!!// Description of a alert of a correlation to high between classical effect and a qtl effect
!!// attributes members :
!!// --------------------
!!// qtl : number of qtl to test
!!// ip : sire index where the correlation are finding
!!// jm : dams index where the correlation are finding
!!// corr : value of the correlation
!!// ntlev : level of the qtl
!!// name_effect : name of the classical effect
!!// name_level : name of qtl level
! Type pour l impression des alerts de correlation trop eleve entre les effets polygenic, de nuisance et les effets qtls
integer :: qtl=0
integer :: ip = -1 ! indice du pere sinon -1
integer :: jm = -1 ! indice de la mere concerne sinon -1
real(kind=dp) :: corr ! la correlation
integer :: ntlev =-1 ! le niveau du qtl concerne
character(len=LEN_W) :: name_effect ! le nom de l effet
character(len=LEN_W) :: name_level ! le nom du niveau
Type structuré pour les tests de nuisances des effets fixés et covariables sur les effets QTL¶
!!// Description of a nuisance test
!!// attributes members :
!!// --------------------
!!// directeffect : false if the qtl are in interaction with the effect
!!// name : name without the nuisance
!!// df : freedom degree
!!// lrt : likelihood ratio test
!!// pvalue :
!type pour l impression de test lin
logical :: directeffect ! intra qtl (fixed effect) or direct effect
character(len=LEN_W) :: name ! name without the nuisances
integer :: df
real(kind=dp) :: lrt
real(kind=dp) :: pvalue
Type structuré "Valeur des LRTs et Positions du maximum de vraissemblance"¶
Type structuré pour "transporter" l'information sur le calcul des intervalles de confiance¶
!// Name method
character(len=LEN_DEF) ,public :: method = ""
!// number of average
integer ,public :: nci = 0
!// average 95%,90%,...
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:),pointer :: ci_seuil => NULL()
!// lower and upper
real (kind=dp) ,dimension(:,:),pointer :: ci_intervals => NULL()
procedure, public :: release => release_confidence_intervals_solution